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Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Classic Cars: The Worlds Most Famous and Fabulous Cars from 1945 to 2000 Shown in 1500 Photographs by Martin Buckley (65_TempChasSvc)
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Competition Engine Building Advanced Engine Design and Assemply Techniques 176 pages and 321 color photos by John Baechtel (83_SA214)
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Merchants of Speed - The Men who Build Americas Performance Industry by P Smith in 240 hardcover pages with over 250 photos (80_145858)
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Performance Ignition Systems by Christopher Jacobs, Ph.D. E.E. A Complete Electronic ignition guide 176 pages (75_1306)
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The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
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Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
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First 75 Years of Transportation Products, Published by Automobile Quarterly for GM's 75th anniversary (75YRGM_AQ)
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Unauthorized Guide to Snap on Collectibles 1920-1998 by C. Schloss 176 pages A Schiffer Book for Collectors (49_SnaponCollec)
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Sports Cars, History and Development; by GN Georgano; 240 pg illustrated (42_Hist)
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James Garner's Motoring Life 160 pages Hardcover by M. Stone (98_RM615U1_U2)
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Racing Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 192 pages (72_1492)
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Kleinwagen - Small Cars - Petites Voitures by Von Mende H-U and Dietz M (94_Kleinwagen)
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Sportsmanlike Driving by the American Automobile Association published 1955 480 hardcover pages (50_Sportsmanlik)
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L'automobile de la penurie - by J A Gregoire in French (50_Penurie)
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How to Design and Build Your Auto Workshop by David H Jacobs Jr (50_BuildAutoSho)
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Old Cars Questions & Answers ed by John Gunnell Auto triva book from Old Car Weekly published by Krause Pub 1993 208 pgs (93_OldCarsQandA)
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Convertibles - Americas Dazzling Drop Tops by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide (93_Convertibles)
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Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 170 pages (67_1245)
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